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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Share Market game

Dear Friends,
There is nothing wrong in one's own beleifs and feelings. So is with me.
For a long long time, almost 25 years, I have been debating with my colleagues about the share market.
Do we, I mean all those who spend time and play in the stock market, really know the dynamics of the whole issue.
After all, what are we up to?
When I buy a share or sell a share, excepting the BSE, who gains? Does any part of my transaction money find it's place in the accounts of the company I am dealing with?

Then, what are we really up to?
Do you see any sense in buying a share at an investment of Rs. 3,000 per share (, Remember, the face value of the share is only Rs. 10).
Even if the company declares a dividend of 100% (which is rare and impossible), all you will get is Rs. 10 per year, and that, on an investment of Rs. 3,000. Does it really make any sense?

Then the question is, What the hell are we doing?
Just playing amongst ourselves. To put it in simple terms, GAMBLING.

And in our foolishness, the only agency that makes the real money is BSE or the NIFTY or the broker companies, who are always the gainers, whether you loose or win.

Just think about it.

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